The conditions for participation in the International Dede Korkut Symposium are as follows.
- The language of the symposium is Turkish.
- An author can participate with up to two papers.
- All responsibilities of the articles belong to the author/authors.
- Presentation time is 15 minutes. After each presentation, 5 minutes is given for the question, answer/discussion.
- Abstracts which should contain at least 300 words must be sent by 21 March 2020 at the latest.
- Abstracts sent to at least two reviewers. Abstracts with negative responses from both reviewers will not be accepted. When one of the reviewers evaluates the abstract positively and the other evaluates it negatively, a third reviewer's opinion is sought. Author(s) names of the papers sent for evaluation are kept confidential.
- The list of the applicants whose application has been accepted as a result of the reviewers' minutes will be announced on April 3, 2020. The letter of acceptance will be sent to the participants of the symposium until the 20th of April, 2020.
- All of the papers presented at the symposium will be published in 2020. For this reason, the full texts of the accepted papers must be sent to in accordance with the spelling rules and in the appropriate format (APA) until 03 July 2020.
- Participants will cover their own transportation expenses.
- Food, symposium bag and event expenses of the participants will be covered by the Organizing Committee.
- Participation fees must be deposited until 15 May 2020.
- The participation fees for the symposium are as follows:
For those who will participate from within the country: 400 TL
For those attending from abroad: $100 (or equivalent)
For the audience: 250 TL
For students: 200 TL
Participation is open to the public.
Services Included in the Registration Fee
- Participation in scientific programs
- Lunch
- Refreshments between sessions
- Badge
- Congress bag
- Congress program
- USB memory
- Notebook
- Rose cologne
- Certificate of participation
When you deposit the participation fee:
Write "Association for Turkic Language" to the receiver section
And for the description part:
- Write your T.C. ID number
- Name and Surname
- "Dede Korkut Bilgi Şölenine katılım payıdır."
biçiminde yazılması gérekmektedir.
Example of an description part: Banu Çiçek, 12345678912, Dede Korkut Bilgi Şölenine katılım payıdır.
Account number of the symposium
İş Bank Şirinevler Branch Office
Account name: Türk Dili Derneği
Account number: 1106-1236428
IBAN: TR720006400000111061236428
Annotations About Payments
You can make a deposit by transfer via İşbank account or through another bank account (EFT). Depending on the bank where your account is located, charges may occur. The costs that will arise from transfer and EFT belong to the participant.
You must send a copy of the receipt of your payment to the
The Certificate of Participation will be given to the participant at the symposium. Do not ask your colleague's Certificate of Participation.
Since the participation fee to the symposium will be collected as a donation within the framework of the legal aid campaign, it is not possible to make a refund to the participants who want to cancel their application for the symposium.